Air cooled condenser

YehJeh provide custom solution for air cooled condenser with a wide range of types and capacities. Our tailor-made air cooled condenser can meet your needs for a wide range of comfort and process cooling applications including shopping mall, office, hospital and school.
A typical air cooled chiller uses propeller fans or mechanical refrigeration cycles to draw ambient air over a finned coil to condense the refrigerant. It may contain multiple or single compressors. The refrigeration cycle of an air-cooled chiller includes two important processes:(1) In evaporator, the evaporation of the liquid refrigerant absorbs heat and lowers the temperature of the chilled-water system. (2) In air cooled condenser,
The most common reason to install an air cooled chiller instead of a water cooled model is convenience. Whereas a water cooled chiller requires several additional pieces of equipment, including large external cooling towers, an air cooled model is much smaller and self-contained. Installation is simpler, and there are fewer space considerations. An air cooled chiller is easier to place, often in a fenced off area of a parking lot or other open external area.